Friday, September 16, 2011

Well there you go.  Not one sale & to be super honest I am tired of waiting for anything to happen, checking my inbox 16 times a day & worrying about it all.  I am not the kind of person who is good at business as far as pushing product, advertising & all that, just not interested.  So I am closing it up & I am going to re-group.  :)  Maybe I will get some more stuff made & just sell thru Etsy...... whatever, right now, I just want to relax & not worry about any of it!  So there you go! :)

In other news:
P is back in school... 6th grade!  I have managed to crawl out of the sobbing depressed mess I was in the first week of school & we got her schedule all straightened out & she is doing really well & loving school :)  I will recover I am sure, but I was really NOT ready for her to be in middle school yet!
My Hubs got a new job & is loving it!  YAY for new-better-nicer jobs!
My parents got a pool this summer,Thank goodness!  Or we might have melted! P is swimming like a fish, she wants to dive all the time... she used to be terrified to put her face in the water. 
I am going to try yet again to Blog more...... I am SO bad at it!  If there was a prize for the most pathetic blogger ever.... I would SO own it!

Okay so here is a pic of my newest creation, (I have been quilting a lot lately since I belong to the Tucson Modern Quilt Guild)..... Two of my good sewing friends & I went fabric shopping & we all bought the Ghastlies fabric from our quilt guild home, Bellas Quiltworks.  This is how mine turned out, I love it.