Thursday, August 26, 2010

slow to update & Patty Young!

I never wanted to have a blog that is not updated at least every week! I hate that when I have a friend, or a sister :)- who will update a lot & then all of a sudden, they are gone for like two weeks! What is up with that? Are they on vacation? Did they think no one was reading? Did they forget? Or perhaps.... life go SO busy, they could not get everything done & the blog was on the cut list! I understand now... sometimes there is just too much going on. So, sorry if I have ever been upset with you for not updating on a regular basis... & sorry for not updating as often as I think I should!!! :)

My reasons for not updating as often as I think I should are many... it has been a crazy time at my house! The ceiling in my storage room (see post below) is almost half gone now... I am living with boxes all around me :( the termite man has come & gone & has to come out again, after we take a hammer to the affected boards & make all the termite poo fall out.... awesome.

So, since we have sorted all of this stuff out, we had a monster yard sale, I mean HUGE!!! Completely filled the garage with stuff & it spilled out onto the driveway all the way to the street, it was amazing. :) It took me most of a week to get it all, sorted, priced set up. My friend Stacey & her daughter came & helped. I got tables from two other great friends, my hubby & daughter helped with SO much!

As I was working on all of this, our cat had a seizure or concussion or something & had to be rushed to the e-vet in the middle of the night. The dog needed her rabies shot & the day I had to get to the bank for change, my car would not start! I try not to whine, but MAN! I could use a break! :)-

So the yard sale went really well! Phoebe & her friend Emily had a lemonade stand, all the money going to their school library & they made $19!!! Good food (thanks to Stacey!) cute kids, a good cause & generous people! Amazing!

Have I mentioned that my life is normally a very quite time? I mean, nothing goes on here! SOOOO quiet. So, imagine my surprise when I got into the car that would not start last week & it started up! I drove it part way to the bus stop, thinking how lucky I was that it was working again & the power steering failed. Yep...... one more thing.

All of these negative things were starting to build up & get me down... the yard sale was a great success, but I still had so much other stuff that was not in the positive column, I was starting to be a real bummer... & then it happened, the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me personally... besides my daughter & husband & all that gushy stuff, I mean in an accomplishment sort of way..... I was mentioned in Patty Young's blog!!!! Yes, I almost died, and or wet my pants! It is so AMAZING!!!!!

Now, if I could find enough time in the day to get my shop open, I would be all set! :)

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