Monday, July 12, 2010

A Yukon Denali, always beats a PT Curiser!

I woke up this morning with a headache. I should have known to stay home... I should have realized it was not a good plan to go out. But, today was my daughter's first day of baby sitting class. She is 10 & her best friend is about to have a baby sister & they are going to need some baby sitting skills! So, they are both taking the class & today was the first day.

I knew it was not going to go well when we got there & there was no indication of where we were supposed to go. I should have left then, I should have packed it up & run for home, but I knew this was important to her & let me be honest.... it cost $72 & I am too stubborn not to get my moneys worth. We find the correct way into the school & go to the room her class is supposed to be in. Not there. Again, I did not run.... it's possible there is a simple oversight, not letting the parents know of the room change, right? Let me skip ahead in this story & say, we found the room. By the time we got there I had a whole group of lost kids with me & a staff member telling me I was wrong. I am pretty sure there were some flames shooting out of my eyes.

I figured, why not be optimistic.... it can't get worse than this, right?

Wrong. I explain to my Mother, who has been waiting in the car all this time, what took so long, back my car out of it's parking spot, put it in drive & wham. I am hit by another parent backing out of her parking spot. Awesome. The good part, no one is hurt! The car will live, the back door no longer opens, but it's just a door. She has insurance. It will get fixed. I thought there was no possible way the day could get worse, it could only get better, we might as well go on with our day & enjoy it!

After we picked Phoebe up from her class, we took her out for lunch. They made her sandwich wrong. I should have heard the warning bells in my head... but no, I kept on with my day.

My favorite thrift store is about 40 minutes from my house we went last week but, the shop was closed for renovation, I had checked the web site for the said nothing about the construction. There is a huge sign up that said it would be open on the 12th. So, we had planned to make the trip (again) today. We got all the way there..... they had crossed out the 12th & wrote 19th.

That was it, I turned around & came home. What else would have happened if I just kept going today?!? Perhaps a flat tire, or a lost purse....or....I don't know & I am not willing to find out!

Well, I am home now & I plan to stay here! I have some sewing to get done anyway. I still have the headache, but now I have a door dent to match. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day! Although, I will probably have to deal with insurance... :(

I am going to go find some chocolate & be happy we came home before anything worse happened! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. :( Sorry. Days like this suck. Do you have emergency chocolate?
